Sharma says he and his co-author
In the world of face masks to prevent the spread
Online Cigarettes Store USA of COVID-19, neck gaiters have gotten a bad rap. In fact, they’re not considered acceptable face coverings at Disney World as well as many other places. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also doesn’t recommend the use of gaiters to protect against the coronavirus, noting that there is not enough research to recommend them at this time.
But a new study, which has not yet been published,
Newport Cigarettes Shop found that we might have been too quick to dismiss these tube-shaped face coverings. The study, which is from the University of Georgia, took a protocol created by Duke University researchers (who used a laser to see which masks were best at preventing respiratory droplets from spreading) and enhanced it to create what seems to be the first actual face mask and neck gaiter study. For the University of Georgia study, researchers used a 3D-printed box that was designed to reduce air particles, a Class 1000 clean room and a laser. The researchers had an adult male wear four bestselling two-layer cloth face masks from Amazon, five of the top single-layer neck gaiters from Amazon and three multi-layer gaiters from Mission. Each face covering was tested three times.
During testing, the subject stayed quiet for 10 seconds
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The results were surprising. The researchers found that gaiters with one layer provided a 77 percent average reduction in respiratory droplets compared with wearing no face mask. Two-layer face masks provided an 81 percent reduction in respiratory droplets. And gaiters made up of two or three layers (polyester and spandex) provided a 96 percent reduction in respiratory droplets.
“The level of protection provided by a face covering appears to be substantially driven by the number and quality of layers of material and not whether it’s in the form of a gaiter or a mask, ” the study authors wrote.
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